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Akyel, C., Babic, S. I., & Kincic, S. (mai 2003). Fast Calculation of the Magnetic Field in the System With Radial Current-Carrying Using Thin Sheet Inductors [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - Toward a Caring and Humane Technology (CCECE 2003), Montréal, QC, Canada. Lien externe
Akyel, C., Babic, S. I., & Salon, S. (mars 2003). New expressions for calculating the magnetic force of the system: filament coil-disk coil [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 2003), Boston, MA, United States. Lien externe
Babic, S. I., Akyel, C., & Salon, S. J. (2003). New Procedures for Calculating the Mutual Inductance of the System: Filamentary Circular Coil-Massive Circular Solenoid. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 39(3), 1131-1134. Lien externe
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowska, G., Clime, L., Sklyuyev, A., Melo, L. G. C., Yelon, A., Akyel, C., & Cochrane, R. W. (janvier 2003). Exchange coupling in amorphous wires [Communication écrite]. International conference on magnetism, Rome. Non disponible
Skylyuyev, A., Ciureanu, P., Akyel, C., Goncharov, V., & Choroch, A. Modeling of Metal-Dielectric Microwave Devices Using the Ingration Equation Method [Communication écrite]. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - Toward a Caring and Humane Technology (CCECE 2003). Lien externe