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Documents publiés en "2002"

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Nombre de documents: 6

Cordeau, J.-F., Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., Solomon, M. M., & Soumis, F. (2002). VRP with time windows. Dans Toth, P., & Vigo, D. (édit.), The vehicle routing problem (p. 157-193). Lien externe

Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., & Solomon, M. M. (janvier 1999). Accelerating strategies for column generation methods in vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems [Communication écrite]. 3rd Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 1999), Angra dos Reis, Brazil. Non disponible

Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., & Solomon, M. M. (2002). Accelerating Strategies in Column Generation Methods for Vehicle Routing and Crew Scheduling Problems. Dans Ribeiro, C. C., & Hansen, P. (édit.), Essays and Surveys in Metaheuristics (p. 309-324). Lien externe

Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, J., Erdmann, A., Solomon, M. M., & Soumis, F. (2002). VRP with pickup and delivery. Dans Toth, P., & Vigo, D. (édit.), The vehicle routing problem (p. 225-242). Lien externe

Desaulniers, G., Langevin, A., Riopel, D., & Villeneuve, B. (2002). Dispatching and conflict-free routing of automated guided vehicles : an exact approach. (Rapport technique n° G-2002-31). Lien externe

Lingaya, N., Cordeau, J.-F., Desaulniers, G., Desrosiers, G., & Soumis, F. (2002). Operational car assigment at VIA Rail Canada. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 36(9), 755-778. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 03:20:14 2025 EST.