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Delorme, S., Labelle, H., & Aubin, C.-É. (2002). The Crankshaft Phenomenon : Is Cobb Angle Progression a Good Indicator in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis? Spine, 27(6), E145-E151. Lien externe
Duke, K., Dansereau, J., Labelle, H., Koller, A., Joncas, J., & Aubin, C.-É. (mai 2002). Study of patient positioning on a dynamic frame for scoliosis surgery [Communication écrite]. 4th Biannual Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2002), Athens, Greece. Lien externe
Feipel, V., Aubin, C.-É., Ciolofan, O. C., Beausejour, M., Labelle, H., & Mathieu, P. A. (2002). Electromyogram and Kinematic Analysis of Lateral Bending in Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 40(5), 497-505. Lien externe
Gréalou, L., Aubin, C.-É., & Labelle, H. (2002). Rib cage surgery for the treatment of scoliosis: a biomechanical study of correction mechanisms. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 20(5), 1121-8. Lien externe
Koutchouk, M., Gou, M., Benoit, R., Olteanu, M., & Aubin, C.-É. (juin 2002). Modeling of safety systems to improve driver's safety during lift truck lateral tip overs [Communication écrite]. SAE International Conference and Exposition of Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering, Munich, Allemagne. Non disponible
Mac-Thiong, J. M., Labelle, H., Duong, L., & Aubin, C.-É. (2002). A New Technique for Intraoperative Analysis of Trunk Geometry in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 45(3), 219-223. Lien externe
Mac-Thiong, J. M., Labelle, H., Petit, Y., & Aubin, C.-É. (2002). The Effect of the Relton-Hall Operative Frame on Trunk Deformity in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. European Spine Journal, 11(6), 556-560. Lien externe
Mac-Thiong, J.-M., Labelle, H., Rooze, M., Feipel, V., & Aubin, C.-É. (mai 2002). Use of a transpedicular drill guide for pedicle screw insertion in the thoracic spine [Communication écrite]. 4th Biannual Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2002), Athens, Greece. Lien externe
Périé-Curnier, D., Aubin, C.-É., Lacroix, M., Lafon, Y., Dansereau, J., & Labelle, H. (mai 2002). Personalized biomechanical modeling of Boston brace treatement in idiopathic scoliosis [Communication écrite]. 4th Biannual Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2002), Athens, Greece. Lien externe
Petit, Y., Aubin, C.-É., & Labelle, H. (2002). Three-Dimensional Imaging for the Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 45(6), 453-458. Lien externe
Plouznikoff, A., Aubin, C.-É., Ozell, B., & Goussev, V. (octobre 2002). Simulateur de chirurgie d'instrumentation du rachis scoliotique en réalité virtuelle [Communication écrite]. 32e Réunion annuelle de la scoliose du Québec, Mont St-Hilaire, Québec. Non disponible
Verniest, F., Chopin, D., Godillon-Maquinghen, A. P., Drazetic, P., Aubin, C.-É., & Lepoutre, F. X. (mai 2002). Spinal surgery procedure discretization [Communication écrite]. 4th Biannual Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2002), Athens, Greece. Lien externe
Villemure, I., Aubin, C.-É., Dansereau, J., & Labelle, H. (2002). Modélisation biomécanique de la croissance et de la modulation de croissance vertébrales pour l'étude des déformations scoliotiques : étude de faisabilité. ITBM RBM, 23(2), 109-117. Lien externe
Villemure, I., Aubin, C.-É., Dansereau, J., & Labelle, H. (2002). Simulation of Progressive Deformities in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using a Biomechanical Model Integrating Vertebral Growth Modulation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme, 124(6), 784-790. Lien externe
Villemure, I., Aubin, C.-É., Grimard, G., Dansereau, J., & Labelle, H. (mai 2002). Evolution of 3D deformities in adolescents with progressive idiopathic scoliosis [Communication écrite]. 4th Biannual Meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 2002), Athens, Greece. Lien externe