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Binet, C., Ajersch, F., & Bui, R. T. (janvier 2001). Experimental validation and numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a water model galvanizing bath [Communication écrite]. Symposium on computer applications in metals processing. The metallurgical society of CIM. Non disponible
Gauthier, M., Ajersch, F., & McDermid, J. R. (janvier 2001). Phase transformation mechanisms of intermetallic particles suspended in hot-dip galvanizing and galvannealing baths [Communication écrite]. GALVATECH 2001. 5th int. conf. on Zinc and zinc aloy coated sheet. Non disponible
Loong, C. A., Zhang, C. Q., Beaulieu, A., & Ajersch, F. (août 2001). Semi-solid casting of A356 billets re-heated by high frequency induction system [Communication écrite]. int. symposium light metal 2001, Metallurgical society of CIM, Toronto, Canada. Non disponible
Ajersch, F., Ilinca, F., Perrault, M., Malo, A., & Hétu, J.-F. Numerical analysis of the effect of operating parameters on flow in a continuous galvanizing bath [Communication écrite]. 5th International Conference on Zinc and Zinc alloy Coated Sheet (GALVATECH 2001). Non disponible
Azzi, L., Ajersch, F., & Stephenson, T. E. (août 2001). Thixotropy of semi-solid GrANi composite alloys [Communication écrite]. Materials in the Automotive Industry: International Symposium on Materials in the Automotive Industry as held at the 40th Annual Conference of Metallurgists of CIM (COM 2001), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Non disponible
Beaulieu, A., Azzi, L., Ajersch, F., Turenne, S., Pineau, F., & Loong, C. A. (juin 2000). Numerical modeling and experimental analysis of die cast semi-solidA356 alloy [Communication écrite]. Merton C. Flemings Symposium on Solidification and Materials Processing, Cambridge, MA, USA. Non disponible