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Documents publiés en "2000"

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Nombre de documents: 4

Beauregard, F., Touimer, S., Ghannouchi, F. M., Maurin, D., Keresteciyan, V., & Hearne, C. (avril 2000). Digitally controlled amplitude and phase linearized channel amplifier for Ka bland satellite transponders [Communication écrite]. AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit, Oakland, CA, USA. Lien externe

Jeckeln, E. G., Beauregard, F., Sawan, M., Ghannouchi, F. M., & Perkins, T. (juin 2000). Adaptive baseband/RF predistorter for power amplifiers through instantaneous AM-AM and AM-PM characterization using digital receivers [Communication écrite]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2000), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe

Jeckeln, E. G., Ghannouchi, F. M., Sawan, M., & Beauregard, F. (décembre 2000). Amplifier's predistortion-based linearizers for forward-channel link broadband applications [Communication écrite]. 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2000), Jounieh, Lebanon. Lien externe

Touimer, S., Beauregard, F., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (octobre 2000). Ku band digital controlled RF predistorter [Communication écrite]. European microwave conference (EuMC 2000), Paris, France. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 02:24:33 2025 EST.