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Koclas, J., Sissaoui, M. T., & Hébert, A. (1996). Solution of the improved and generalized quasi-static methods using an analytic calculation or a semiimplicit scheme to compute the precursor equations. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 23(11), 901-907. Lien externe
Saygin, H., & Hébert, A. (1996). New self-shielding method based on a detailed cross-section representation in the resolved energy domain. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 122(2), 276-282. Lien externe
Roy, R., Hébert, A., & Marleau, G. (1996). Comments on "Investigation of Interface-Current Solution Techniques for Coupled Heterogeneous Cells" [Commentaire ou lettre]. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 122(2), 283-285. Lien externe
Hébert, A. (septembre 1996). Development of a subgroup method for the self-shielding of resonant isotopes in arbitrary geometries [Communication écrite]. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR 1996), Mito, Japan. Non disponible