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Documents publiés en "1995"

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Nombre de documents: 6

Article de revue

Dirk, C. W., Nagarur, A. R., Lu, J. J., Zhang, L., Kalamegham, P., Fonseca, J., Gopalan, S., Townsend, S., González, G., Craig, P., Rosales, M., Green, L., Chan, K.B., Twieg, R. J., Ermer, S., Leung, D. S., Lovejoy, S. M., Lacroix, S., Godbout, N., & Monette, E. (1995). Molecular studies and plastic optical fiber device structures for nonlinear optical applications. Proceedings of SPIE, 2527, 116-126. Lien externe

Tzolov, V. P., Fontaine, M., Godbout, N., & Lacroix, S. (1995). Nonlinear modal parameters of optical fibers: a full-vectorial approach. Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical Physics, 12(10), 1933-1941. Lien externe

Tzolov, V. P., Fontaine, M., Godbout, N., & Lacroix, S. (1995). Nonlinear self-phase-modulation effects: a vectorial first-order perturbation approach. Optics Letters, 20(5), 456-458. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Fontaine, M., Tzolov, V. P., Godbout, N., & Lacroix, S. (février 1995). Limits of the perturbative scalar calculation of self-phase modulation effects [Communication écrite]. Nonlinear guided waves and their applications, Dana Point, CA, USA. Lien externe

Gonthier, F., Daxhelet, X., & Lacroix, S. (janvier 1995). High isolation tapered fiber filters [Communication écrite]. 21st european conference on optical communications ECOC'95, Bruxelles, Belgium. Non disponible


Dumais, P., Lacroix, S., Gonthier, F., Black, R. J., & Bures, J. (1995). Optimized non-linear effect tapered optical fiber interferometer/switch device. (Brevet no US5479546). Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 02:59:45 2025 EST.