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Documents dont le centre de recherche est "GRS - Groupe de recherche en génie des structures"

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Nombre de documents: 5

Article de revue

Charron, J.-P., Niamba, E., & Massicotte, B. (2011). Static and dynamic behavior of high- and ultrahigh-performance fiber-reinforced concrete precast bridge parapets. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 16(3), 413-421. Lien externe

Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2011). Novel water permeability device for reinforced concrete under load. Materials and Structures, 44(9), 1713-1723. Lien externe

Dion, C., Bouaanani, N., Tremblay, R., Lamarche, C.-P., & Leclerc, M. (2011). Real-time dynamic substructuring testing of viscous seismic protective devices for bridge structures. Engineering Structures, 33(12), 3351-3363. Lien externe

Duchesneau, F., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2011). Monolithic and hybrid precast bridge parapets in high and ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concretes. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 38(8), 859-869. Lien externe

Lamarche, C.-P., & Tremblay, R. (2011). Seismically induced cyclic buckling of steel columns including residual-stress and strain-rate effects. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 67(9), 1401-1410. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Jan 4 05:45:06 2025 EST.