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Ardeleanu, A., Loranger, S., Gareau, L., Zayed, J., L'Espérance, G., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995, November). Physico-chemical characteristics of particles emitted from vehicles using gasoline with methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl [Paper]. 2nd world Conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Vancouver (Canada). Unavailable
Boudia, N., Halley, R., Kennedy, G. G., Lambert, J., Gareau, L., & Zayed, J. (2006). Manganese Concentrations in the Air of the Montréal (Canada) Subway in Relation to Surface Automobile Traffic Density. Science of The Total Environment, 366(1), 143-147. External link
Bolte, S., Normandin, L., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (2004). Human Exposure to Respirable Manganese in Outdoor and Indoor Air in Urban and Rural Areas. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues, 67(6), 459-467. External link
Brault, N., Loranger, S., Courchesne, F., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1994). Bioaccumulation of manganese by plants - influence of MMT as a gasoline additive. Science of The Total Environment, 153(1-2), 77-84. External link
Forget, E., Courchesne, F., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1994). Response of blue spruce (picea-pungens) to manganese pollution from MMT. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 73(1-4), 319-324. External link
Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. Evaluation of some plant and animal species for monitoring atmospheric manganese [Paper]. International workshop on biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution (with emphasis on trace elements) - BioMap II. External link
Keiloun, M., Yang, F., Chau, Y. K., Gagnon, F., Bouyahi, B., Rivard, M., Kennedy, G. G., Normandin, L., & Zayed, J. (2002). Exposure of Gas Station Attendants to Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) Used in Gasoline. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 141(1-4), 155-163. External link
Loranger, S., Zayed, J., & Kennedy, G. G. (1995). Contribution of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) to atmospheric Mn concentration near expressway - dispersion modeling estimations. Atmospheric Environment, 29(5), 591-599. External link
Loranger, S., Demers, G., Kennedy, G. G., Forget, E., & Zayed, J. (1994). The pigeon (columba-livia) as a monitor for manganese contamination from motor-vehicles. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 27(3), 311-317. External link
Normandin, L., Beaupre, L. A., Salehi, F., St-Pierre, A., Kennedy, G. G., Mergler, D., Butterworth, R. E., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2004). Manganese Distribution in the Brain and Neurobehavioral Changes Following Inhalation Exposure of Rats to Three Chemical Forms of Manganese. Neurotoxicology, 25(3), 433-441. External link
Normandin, L., Carrier, G., Gardiner, P. F., Kennedy, G. G., Hazell, A. S., Mergler, D., Butterworth, R. F., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2002). Assessment of Bioaccumulation, Neuropathology, and Neurobehavior Following Subchronic (90 Days) Inhalation in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed to Manganese Phosphate. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 183(2), 135-145. External link
Nkwenkeu, S. F., Kennedy, G. G., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2002). Oral Manganese Intake Estimated With Dietary Records and With Direct Chemical Analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 287(1-2), 147-153. External link
Normandin, L., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1999). Potential of Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) as a Bioindicator of Manganese Arising From the Use of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl in Unleaded Gasoline. Science of The Total Environment, 239(1-3), 165-171. External link
Petrela, J., Camara, V. D., Kennedy, G. G., Bouyahi, B., & Zayed, J. (2001). Health Effects of Residential Exposure to Aluminum Plant Air Pollution. Archives of Environmental Health, 56(5), 456-460. External link
Salehi, F., Normandin, L., Krewski, D., Kennedy, G. G., Philippe, S., & Zayed, J. (2006). Neuropathology, Tremor and Electromyogram in Rats Exposed to Manganese Phosphate/Sulfate Mixture. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 26(5), 419-426. External link
St.-Pierre, J., Kada, R., Kennedy, G. G., Zayed, J., & Ghadirian, P. (2006). Variation of selenium concentration in toenails following long-term storage, washing and reactor irradiation. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 269(2), 347-349. External link
St-Pierre, A., Normandin, L., Carrier, G., Kennedy, G. G., Butterworth, R., & Zayed, J. (2001). Bioaccumulation and Locomotor Effect of Manganese Dust in Rats. Inhalation Toxicology, 13(7), 623-632. External link
Siddiqui, M. F. R., Loranger, S., Courchesne, F., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (2001). Manganese contamination in organic soil, bean and oat plants as related to traffic volume. Bangladesh journal of botany, 30, 43-51. Unavailable
Sierra, P., Chakrabarti, R., Tounkara, R., Loranger, S., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1998). Bioaccumulation of manganese and its toxicity in feral pigeons (Columbia livia) exposed to manganese oxide dust (Mn3O4). Environmental Research, 79(2), 94-101. External link
Sierra, P., Loranger, S., Kennedy, G. G., & Zayed, J. (1995). Occupational and environmental exposure of automobile mechanics and nonautomotive workers to airborne manganese arising from the combustion of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT). American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 56(7), 713-716. External link
Tapin, D., Kennedy, G. G., Lambert, J., & Zayed, J. (2006). Bioaccumulation and Locomotor Effects of Manganese Sulfate in Sprague-Dawley Rats Following Subchronic (90 Days) Inhalation Exposure. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 211(2), 166-174. External link
Zayed, J., Thibault, C., Gareau, L., & Kennedy, G. G. (1999). Airborne Manganese Particulates and Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) at Selected Outdoor Sites in Montréal. Neurotoxicology, 20(2-3), 151-157. Unavailable
Zayed, J., Vyskocil, A., & Kennedy, G. G. (1999). Environmental Contamination and Human Exposure to Manganese - Contribution of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl in Unleaded Gasoline. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 72(1), 7-13. External link
Zayed, J., L'Espérance, G., Loranger, S., Pfeifer, G. D., & Kennedy, G. G. (1997). Exposure to respirable and total manganese and the contribution of MMT (methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl) used in unleaded gasoline. AIHA journal. Unavailable
Zayed, J., Mikhail, M., Loranger, S., Kennedy, G. G., & L'Espérance, G. (1996). Exposure of taxi drivers and office workers to total and respirable manganese in an urban-environment. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 57(4), 376-380. External link
Zayed, J., Loranger, S., & Kennedy, G. G. (1994, May). Évaluation de la contamination et de l'exposition au manganèse suite à la combustion du methylcyclopentadienyle manganese tricarbonyle (MMT) dans l'essence sans plomb [Paper]. 6e colloque sur les substances toxiques. Unavailable
Zayed, J., Gerin, M., Loranger, S., Sierra, P., Bégin, D., & Kennedy, G. G. (1994). Occupational and environmental exposure of garage workers and taxi drivers to airborne manganese arising from the use of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl in unleaded gasoline. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 55(1), 53-58. External link