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Documents dont l'auteur est "Yucel, Meryem A."

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Aller à : 2021 | 2014
Nombre de documents: 4


Yucel, M. A., Luhmann, A. V., Scholkmann, F., Gervain, J., Dan, I., Ayaz, H., Boas, D., Cooper, R. J., Culver, J., Elwell, C. E., Eggebrecht, A., Franceschini, M. A., Grova, C., Homae, F., Lesage, F., Obrig, H., Tachtsidis, I., Tak, S., Tong, Y., ... Wolf, M. (2021). Best practices for fNIRS publications. Neurophotonics, 8(1), 34 pages. Lien externe

Yucel, M. A., Luhmann, A. V., Scholkmann, F., Gervain, J., Dan, I., Ayaz, H., Boas, D., Cooper, R. J., Culver, J., Elwell, C. E., Eggebrecht, A., Franceschini, M. A., Grova, C., Homae, F., Lesage, F., Obrig, H., Tachtsidis, I., Tak, S., Tong, Y., ... Wolf, M. (2021). Erratum: Best practices for fNIRS publications. Neurophotonics, 8(1), 2 pages. Lien externe


Sakadzic, S., Mandeville, E. T., Gagnon, L., Musacchia, J. J., Yaseen, M. A., Yucel, M. A., Lefebvre, J., Lesage, F., Dale, A. M., Eikermann-Haerter, K., Ayata, C., Srinivasan, V. J., Lo, E. H., Devor, A., & Boas, D. A. (2014). Large arteriolar component of oxygen delivery implies a safe margin of oxygen supply to cerebral tissue. Nature Communications, 5(1), 5734. Lien externe

Sakadžić, S., Mandeville, E. T., Gagnon, L., Musacchia, J. J., Yaseen, M. A., Yucel, M. A., Lefebvre, J., Lesage, F., Dale, A. M., Eikermann-Haerter, K., Ayata, C., Srinivasan, V. J., Lo, E. H., Devor, A., & Boas, D. A. (avril 2014). Oxygen Distribution in Cortical Microvasculature Reveals a Novel Mechanism for Maintaining a Safe Tissue Oxygenation [Communication écrite]. Biomedical Optics 2014, Miami, FL, USA. Lien externe

Liste produite: Tue Jan 21 03:06:23 2025 EST.