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Wu, K., Yu, M., & Vahldieck, R. (1995, January). Overview of the space-spectral domain approach (SSDA) for applications to multilayer planar integrated circuits [Paper]. Progress Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1995), Seattle, WA, USA. Unavailable
Wu, K., Yu, M., & Vahldieck, R. (1994). Rigorous analysis of 3-D planar circuits discontinuities using the space-spectral domain approach (SSDA). In Gupta, K.C., & Abouzahra, M.D. (eds.), Analysis and design of planar microwave components . Unavailable
Yu, M., Vahldieck, R., & Wu, K. (1994, May). Nature and application of the space spectral-domain approach [Paper]. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 1994), San Diego, CA, USA. External link