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Documents dont l'auteur est "Yanıkömeroğlu, Halim"

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Nombre de documents: 4


Cengiz, A., Başaran, S. T., Karabulut Kurt, G., Özbek, B., & Yanıkömeroğlu, H. (juin 2021). Approximation of correlation matrix for high altitude platform stations [Yuksek irtifa platform istasyonlari icin korelasyon matrisinin yaklaimi]. [Communication écrite]. 29th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU 2021), Istanbul, Turkey (4 pages). Lien externe


Kota, S., Giambene, G., Abdelsadek, M. Y., Alouini, M.‐S., Amay, M., Babu, S., Bas, J., Cassará, P., Chaudhari, S., Dalai, D., Darwish, T., Cola, T. , Delamotte, T., Dutta, A., Dwivedi, A. K., Enright, M. A., Giordani, M., Gotta, A., Hammad, E., ... Zhao, L. (novembre 2023). Satellite [Communication écrite]. IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF 2023), Baltimore, MD, USA. Lien externe


Liang, J., Chaudhry, A. U., Chinneck, J. W., Yanıkömeroğlu, H., Karabulut Kurt, G., & Hu, P. (2023). Latency versus transmission power trade-off in free-space optical (FSO) satellite networks with multiple inter-continental connections. IEEE open journal of the Communications Society, 4, 3014-3029. Disponible


Tekbıyık, K., Karabulut Kurt, G., Ekti, A. R., & Yanıkömeroğlu, H. (2022). Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Empowered THz Communication in LEO Satellite Networks. IEEE Access, 10, 121957-121969. Lien externe

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 04:41:53 2025 EST.