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Dans le contexte de cette page, le nuage de mots a été généré à partir des publications de l'auteur Zhiqin Xu. Les mots présents dans ce nuage proviennent des titres, résumés et mots-clés des articles et travaux de recherche de cet auteur. En analysant ce nuage de mots, vous pouvez obtenir un aperçu des sujets et des domaines de recherche les plus récurrents et significatifs dans les travaux de cet auteur.Le nuage de mots est un outil utile pour identifier les tendances et les thèmes principaux dans un corpus de textes, facilitant ainsi la compréhension et l'analyse des contenus de manière visuelle et intuitive.
Xu, Z., Li, H., Tian, Y., Wang, Q., Yu, C., Li, G., Ji, S., Faure, M., & Chevalier, M.-L. (2024). Formation, reactivation and exhumation of the extruded basement wedge in the southern Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan plateau. Journal of the Geological Society. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Zheng, B., Ji, S., Cai, Z., Cao, H., Li, G., Chen, X., Xiang, H., & Liang, F. (2023). Genesis and exhumation of the Kongur-Muztaghata and Maeryang gneiss domes in NE Pamir since the Mesozoic. Solid Earth Sciences, 8(2), 123-145. Disponible
Ji, S., Li, L., & Xu, Z. (2021). Dislocation creep and flow strength of the Earth's crust. Acta Geologica Sinica, 95(1), 159-181. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Li, Y., Ji, S., Li, G., Pei, X., Ma, X., Xiang, H., & Wang, R. (2021). Erratum : Qinling gneiss domes and implications for tectonic evolution of the Early Paleozoic Orogen in Central China (vol 188, 104052, 2020). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 206, 104635 (1 page). Lien externe
Xu, Z., Wang, Q., Dong, H., Cao, H., Li, G., Liang, F., Rai, S. M., Kylander-Clark, A., Adhikari, S., & Ji, S. (2021). Middle Eocene-Oligocene anatexis and exhumation of the Greater Himalayan Sequence in central Nepal. Terra Nova, 33(6), 590-601. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Li, Y., Ji, S., Li, G., Pei, X., Ma, X., Xiang, H., & Wang, R. (2020). Qinling gneiss domes and implications for tectonic evolution of the Early Paleozoic Orogen in Central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 188, 104052 (19 pages). Lien externe
Xu, Z., Ji, S., & Zhou, X. (2019). Pseudotachylyte-induced weakness of plate-boundary fault: Insight from the indus-tsangpo suture between India and Asia. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 93(1), 1-11. Lien externe
Shao, T., Ji, S., Kondo, Y., Michibayashi, K., Wang, Q., Xu, Z., Sun, S., Marcotte, D., & Salisbury, M. H. (2014). Antigorite-induced seismic anisotropy and implications for deformation in subduction zones and the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 119(3), 2068-2099. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Ji, S., Cai, Z., Zeng, L., Geng, Q., & Cao, H. (2012). Kinematics and Dynamics of the Namche Barwa Syntaxis, Eastern Himalaya: Constraints From Deformation, Fabrics and Geochronology. Gondwana Research, 21(1), 19-36. Lien externe
Sun, S., Ji, S., Wang, Q., Xu, Z., Salisbury, M., & Long, C. (2012). Seismic Velocities and Anisotropy of Core Samples From the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Borehole in the Sulu UHP Terrane, Eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117(B1), 24 pages. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Yang, J., Li, H., Ji, S., Zhang, Z., & Liu, Y. (2011). Tectonics of the continental collision between India and Asia. Acta Geologica Sinica, 85(1), 33 pages. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Yang, W. C., Ji, S., Zhang, Z., Li, H., Liu, F., Zhang, J., Wu, C., Li, Z., & Liang, F. (2010). On the continental tectonics and dynamics of China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 84(1), 29 pages. Lien externe
Wang, Q., Ji, S., & Xu, Z. (2009). Vp/Vs Anisotropy and Implications for Crustal Composition Identification and Earthquake Prediction. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83(4), 801-815. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Yang, W., Ji, S., Zhang, Z., Yang, J., Wang, Q., & Tang, Z. (2009). Deep root of a continent-continent collision belt: Evidence from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) deep borehole in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (HP-UHP) metamorphic terrane, China. Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling: Tectonophysics, 475(2), 204-219. Lien externe
Ji, S., & Xu, Z. (2009). Drilling deep into the ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane. Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling: Tectonophysics, 475(2), 201-203. Lien externe
Ji, S., Zhong, D., Xu, Z., & Xia, B. (2008). Rheology: a new departure in structural geology and geodynamics. Geotectonica et Metallogenia, 32(3), 257-264. Lien externe
Xu, Z., Ji, S., Li, H., Hou, L., Fu, X., & Cai, Z. (2008). Uplift of the Longmen Shan range and the Wenchuan earthquake. Episodes, 31(3), 291-301. Disponible
Wang, Q., Ji, S., & Xu, Z. (2007). Lattice-preferred orientation, water content and seismic anisotropy of olivine : implications for deformation environment of continental subduction zones. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23(12), 3065-3077. Non disponible
Xu, Z., Wang, Q., Ji, S., Chen, J., Zeng, L., Yang, J., Chen, F., Liang, F., & Wenk, H.-R. (2006). Petrofabrics and Seismic Properties of Garnet Peridotite From the Uhp Sulu Terrane (China): Implications for Olivine Deformation Mechanism in a Cold and Dry Subducting Continental Slab. Tectonophysics, 421(1-2), 111-127. Lien externe
Wang, Q., Ji, S., Salisbury, M. H., Xia, B., Pan, M.B., & Xu, Z. (2005). Pressure Dependence and Anisotropy of P-Wave Velocities in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks From the Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt (China): Implications for Seismic Properties of Subducted Slabs and Origin of Mantle Reflections. Tectonophysics, 398(1-2), 67-99. Lien externe
Ji, S., Saruwatari, K., Mainprice, D., Wirth, R., Xu, Z., & Xia, B. (2003). Microstructures, Petrofabrics and Seismic Properties of Ultra High-Pressure Eclogites From Sulu Region, China: Implications for Rheology of Subducted Continental Crust and Origin of Mantle Reflections. Tectonophysics, 370(1-4), 49-76. Lien externe
Ji, S., Wang, Q., & Xu, Z. (2007). Reply to the Comments of S. Karato on "Petrofabrics and Seismic Properties of Gamet Peridotites From the Uhp Sulu Terrane (China)" by Xu Et Al. [Tectonophysics 421 (2006) 111-127] [Commentaire ou lettre]. Tectonophysics, 429(3-4), 291-296. Lien externe