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Beheshti, B., Desmarais, M. C., & Xu, P. (2015, June). Goodness of fit of skills assessment approaches: Insights from patterns of real vs. synthetic data sets [Paper]. 8th Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2015), Madrid, Spain. External link
Desmarais, M. C., Xu, P., & Bheshti, B. (2015, June). Combining techniques to refine item to skills Q-matrices with a partition tree [Paper]. 8th Conference on Educational Data Data Mining (EDM 2015), Madrid, Spain. External link
Desmarais, M. C., Beheshti, B., & Xu, P. (2014, July). The refinement of a Q-matrix: Assessing methods to validate tasks to skills mapping [Paper]. 7th Conference on Educational Data Data Mining (EDM 2014), London, England. External link