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Rigaud, M., Xing, C., Blanchar, M., & Kovac, V. (1998, January). Basic castables for steelmaking applications [Paper]. EAF conference, New Orleans, USA. Unavailable
Rigaud, M., & Xing, C. (1997). Basic castables for ladle's steelmaking application: a review. Canadian Ceramic Society Journal, 66(3), 206-209. Unavailable
Rigaud, M., Xing, C., & Kovac, V. (1997). Volume stability of spinel-bonded magnesia castables EuroCeramics. Key Engineering Materials, 132-136(3), 1818-1821. External link
Rigaud, M., Wang, N., & Xing, C. (1996, January). Magnesia-based castables: some recent developments [Paper]. 2nd International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic societies, Cairns, Australia. Unavailable
Xing, C., Kovac, V., & Rigaud, M. (1997). Volume stability of various MgO-Al ₂O₃ castable mixes. Journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society, 66(3), 217-222. Unavailable