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Documents dont l'auteur est "Wininger, Florian"

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Nombre de documents: 5


Wininger, F., Ezzati-Jivan, N., & Dagenais, M. (2017). A declarative framework for stateful analysis of execution traces. Software Quality Journal, 25(1), 201-229. Disponible


Wininger, F. (2014). Conception flexible d'analyses issues d'une trace système [Mémoire de maîtrise, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Disponible

Montplaisir-Gonçalves, A., Ezzati-Jivan, N., Wininger, F., & Dagenais, M. (septembre 2013). State history tree: an incremental disk-based data structure for very large interval data [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2013), Alexandria, VA, USA (9 pages). Disponible


Montplaisir, A., Ezzati-Jivan, N., Wininger, F., & Dagenais, M. (septembre 2013). Efficient model to query and visualize the system states extracted from trace data [Communication écrite]. 4th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2013), Rennes, France. Lien externe

Montplaisir-Gonçalves, A., Ezzati-Jivan, N., Wininger, F., & Dagenais, M. (septembre 2013). State history tree : an incremental disk-based data structure for very large interval data [Communication écrite]. ASE/IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Washington, DC. Non disponible

Liste produite: Mon Jan 20 02:43:20 2025 EST.