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Hasham, M., Green, P. B., Rahman, S., Villanueva, F. Y., Imperiale, C. J., Kirshenbaum, M. J., & Wilson, M. W. B. (2023). The smallest PbS nanocrystals pervasively show decreased brightness, linked to surface-mediated decay on the average particle. Journal of Chemical Physics, 159(7), 074704 (12 pages). External link
Villanueva, F. Y., Hasham, M., Green, P. B., Imperial, C. J., Rahman, S., Burns, D. C., & Wilson, M. W. B. (2024). A stepwise reaction achieves ultra-small Ag2ZnSnS4. Materials Chemistry, 41 pages. External link
Wilson, M. W. B., Hasham, M., Narayanan, P., Villanueva, F. Y., Green, P. B., & Imperiale, C. J. (2023). Sequential Carrier Transfer Can Accelerate Triplet Energy Transfer from Functionalized CdSe Nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14(7), 1899-1909. External link