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Nombre de documents: 2

Nestrasil, I., Labounek, R., Nguyen, C., Krasovec, I., Valošek, J., Svatkova, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Lenglet, C., & Whitley, C. (février 2020). Intraspinal space restriction at the occipito-cervical junction alters cervical spinal cord diffusion MRI metrics in mucopolysacharidoses patients [Résumé]. 16th Annual Research Meeting of the WORLDSymposium, Orlando, Florida. Publié dans Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 129(2). Lien externe

Nestrasil, I., Labounek, R., Nguyen, C., Krasovec, I., Valošek, J., Svatkova, A., Cohen-Adad, J., Lenglet, C., & Whitley, C. (mai 2019). Cervical spinal cord diffusion MRI and intraspinal space restriction at the occipito-cervical junction in mucopolysacharidoses patients [Affiche]. ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Qc. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sun Jan 5 05:12:54 2025 EST.