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Wang, K., & Chartrand, P. (2021). Generic energy formalism for reciprocal quadruplets within the two-sublattice quasichemical model. CALPHAD: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 74, 12 pages. External link
Wang, K., Robelin, C., Jin, L., Zeng, X., & Chartrand, P. (2019). Thermodynamic description of the K, Be//F, Cl salt system with first-principles calculations. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 292, 20 pages. External link
Lu, G., Robelin, C., Chartrand, P., He, M., & Wang, K. (2019). Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (LiCl + NaCl + KCl + MgCl2 + CaCl2 + CeCl3) system. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 487, 83-97. External link
Wang, K., & Chartrand, P. (2018). A thermodynamic description for water, hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen dissolutions in cryolite-base molten salts. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(25), 17324-17341. External link
Wang, J., Wang, K., Ma, C., & Xie, L. (2016). Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the (U plus Bi), (U plus Si) and (U plus Sn) binary systems. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 92, 158-167. External link
Wang, K., Robelin, C., Wu, Z., Li, C., Xie, L., & Chartrand, P. (2016). Thermodynamic description of the AgCl-CoCl₂-InCl₃-NaCl system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 663, 885-898. External link
Lin, C., Wang, S., Chen, G., Wang, K., Cheng, Z., Lu, X., & Li, C. (2016). Thermodynamic evaluation of the BaO-ZrO2-YO1.5 system. Ceramics International, 42(12), 13738-13747. External link
Wang, K., Fei, Z., Wang, J., Wu, Z., Li, C., & Xie, L. (2015). Thermodynamic description of the AgCl-CoCl₂-InCl₃-KCl system. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 163, 73-87. External link