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Krojer, B., Poole-Dayan, E., Voleti, V., Pal, C. J., & Reddy, S. (2023, December). Are Diffusion Models Vision-And-Language Reasoners? [Paper]. 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, LA, USA (21 pages). External link
Voleti, V., Finlay, C., Oberman, A., & Pal, C. J. (2024). Multi-resolution continuous normalizing flows. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 23-23. External link
Voleti, V., Jolicoeur-Martineau, A., & Pal, C. J. (2022, November). MCVD: Masked Conditional Video Diffusion for Prediction, Generation, and Interpolation [Presentation]. In 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), New Orleans, LA, USA. External link
Voleti, V., Oreshkin, B., Bocquelet, F., Harvey, F., Menard, L.-S., & Pal, C. J. (2022, December). SMPL-IK: Learned Morphology-Aware Inverse Kinematics for AI Driven Artistic Workflows [Paper]. SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Technical Communications, Daegu, Korea, Republic of (7 pages). External link