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Bédard, É., Paranjape, K., Lalancette, C., Villion, M., Quach, C., Laferriere, C., Faucher, S. P., & Prévost, M. (2019). Legionella pneumophila levels and sequence-type distribution in hospital hot water samples from faucets to connecting pipes. Water Research, 156, 277-286. External link
Bédard, É., Levesque, S., Martin, P., Pinsonneault, L., Paranjape, K., Lalancette, C., Dolce, C.-É., Villion, M., Valiquette, L., Faucher, S. P., & Prévost, M. (2016). Energy conservation and the promotion of Legionella pneumophila growth: The probable role of heat exchangers in a nosocomial outbreak. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 37(12), 1475-1480. Available
Boppe, I., Bédard, É., Taillandier, C., Lecellier, D., Nantel-Gauvin, M.-A., Villion, M., Laferrière, C., & Prévost, M. (2016). Investigative approach to improve hot water system hydraulics through temperature monitoring to reduce building environmental quality hazard associated to Legionella. Building and Environment, 108, 230-239. Available
Sylvestre, E., Dorner, S., Burnet, J.-B., Smeets, P., Medema, G., Cantin, P., Villion, M., Robert, C., Ellis, D., Servais, P., & Prévost, M. (2021). Changes in Escherichia coli to enteric protozoa ratios in rivers: Implications for risk-based assessment of drinking water treatment requirements. Water Research, 205, 10 pages. External link
Sylvestre, E., Burnet, J.-B., Dorner, S., Smeets, P., Medema, G., Villion, M., Hachad, M., & Prévost, M. (2021). Impact of Hydrometeorological Events for the Selection of Parametric Models for Protozoan Pathogens in Drinking-Water Sources. Risk Analysis, 41(8), 1413-1426. External link
Sylvestre, E., Prévost, M., Smeets, P., Medema, G., Burnet, J.-B., Cantin, P., Villion, M., Robert, C., & Dorner, S. (2021). Importance of Distributional Forms for the Assessment of Protozoan Pathogens Concentrations in Drinking-Water Sources. Risk Analysis, 41(8), 1396-1412. External link