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Items where Author is "Veuille, Sabine"

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Number of items: 4.


Masse-Dufresne, J., Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., Patenaude, M., Pontoreau, C., Proteau-Bédard, F., Menou, M., Pasquier, P., Veuille, S., & Barbeau, B. (2019). Anthropic and Meteorological Controls on the Origin and Quality of Water at a Bank Filtration Site in Canada. Water, 11(12), 22 pages. External link


Veuille, S., Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., & Claveau-Mallet, D. (2022, March). Contribution des isotopes du radium à l'évaluation des dynamiques d'infiltration des eaux de surface dans les aquifères [Presentation]. In Journée québécoise étudiante CentrEau (JQEC 2022). Unavailable

Veuille, S., Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., & Claveau-Mallet, D. (2022, May). Evaluating radium as a time tracer for infiltrated surface water in unsteady surface -groundwater interaction areas [Presentation]. In IAHS Scientific Assembly, Montpellier, France. External link

Veuille, S., Baudron, P., Barbecot, F., & Claveau-Mallet, D. (2022, March). Les isotopes du radium : traceur chronologique pertinents de l'eau douce d'infiltration? [Radium isotoopes : relevant chronological tracers for infiltrated freshwater?]. [Presentation]. In Congrès des étudant(e)s du GEOTOP. Unavailable

List generated on: Mon Feb 17 05:34:26 2025 EST