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Dubé, J. F., Guibault, F., Vallet, M.-G., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2006, January). Turbine Blade Reconstruction and Optimization Using Subdivision Surfaces [Paper]. 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. External link
Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., Labbé, P., & Guibault, F. (2003, January). On simplex shape measures with extension for anisotropic meshes [Paper]. Workshop on Mesh Quality and Dynamic Meshing, Livermire, CA. Unavailable
Dompierre, J., Labbé, P., Vallet, M.-G., Guibault, F., & Camarero, R. (2001). Critères de forme simpliciaux. In George, P.-L. (ed.), Maillage et adaptation (pp. 311-348). Unavailable
Labbé, P., Guibault, F., Vallet, M.-G., & Dompierre, J. (2007, September). Verification of three-dimensional unstructured anisotropic adaptive methods [Paper]. 10th ISGG Conference on Numerical Grid Generation, Crete, Greece. Unavailable
Labbé, P., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., Guibault, F., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2004). Universal measure of the conformity of a mesh with respect to an anisotropic metric field. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 61(61), 2675-2695. External link
Labbé, P., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., Guibault, F., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2003, January). Universal measure of the conformity of a mesh with respect to an anisotropic metric field [Paper]. Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics (AMAM 2003), Nice, France. Unavailable
Labbé, P., Guibault, F., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2001, January). A generic mesher for STEP compliant geometries [Paper]. 48th Annual CASI Conference, Toronto, Canada. Unavailable
Labbé, P., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., Guibault, F., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2001, January). A measure of the conformity of a mesh to an anisotropic metric [Paper]. 10th International Meshing Roundtable, Newport Beach, CA. Unavailable
Labbé, P., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., Guibault, F., & Trépanier, J.-Y. (2000, January). Measuring the metric conformity of a mesh [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, Whistler, BC. Unavailable
Sirois, Y., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., & Guibault, F. (2010). Hybrid mesh smoothing based on Riemannian metric non-conformity minimization. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46(1-2), 47-60. External link
Sirois, Y., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., Labbé, P., & Guibault, F. (2002, January). Progress on vertex relocation schemes for structured grids in a metric space [Paper]. 8th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation, Honolulu, USA. Unavailable
Tchon, K.-F., Dompierre, J., Vallet, M.-G., Guibault, F., & Camarero, R. (2006). Two-dimensional metric tensor visualization using pseudo-meshes. Engineering with Computers, 22(2), 121-131. External link