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Li, H., Lokman Hossain, N. M., Trocan, M., Galayko, D., & Sawan, M. (2024). CMISR: Circular medical image super-resolution. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133(Part B), 108222 (15 pages). External link
Li, H., Trocan, M., Sawan, M., & Galayko, D. (2023). ICRICS: iterative compensation recovery for image compressive sensing. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 17(6), 2953-2969. External link
Li, H., Trocan, M., Sawan, M., & Galayko, D. (2022). Serial decoders-based auto-encoders for image reconstruction. Applied Sciences-Basel, 12(16), 8256 (33 pages). External link