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Lerouge, S., Tabrizian, M., Wertheimer, M. R., Marchand, R., & Yahia, L. (2002). Safety of plasma‐based sterilization: Surface modifications of polymeric medical devices induced by Sterrad® and Plazlyte™ processes. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 12(1), 3-13. External link
Lerouge, S., Guignot, C., Yagoubi, N., Ferrier, D., Tabrizian, M., & Yahia, L. (1999, April). Surface and bulk modification induced by gas plasma sterilization on electrophysiology catheters [Paper]. 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials and 31st International Biomaterials Symposium, Providence, RI, USA. Unavailable
Moreau, S., Tabrizian, M., Barbeau, J., Moisan, M., Leduc, A., Pelletier, J., Lagarde, T., Rohr, M., Desor, F., Vidal, D., & Yahia, L. (1999, July). Essential parameters for plasma sterilization [Paper]. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gazes (XXIV ICPIG), Warsaw, Poland. Unavailable
Rhalmi, S., Odin, M., Assad, M., Tabrizian, M., Rivard, C. H., & Yahia, L. (1999). Hard, Soft Tissue and in Vitro Cell Response to Porous Nickel- Titanium: a Biocompatibility Evaluation. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 9(3), 151-162. External link
Thierry, B., Tabrizian, M., Yahia, L., & Savadogo, O. (1999, August). Effect of sterilization processes on the ions release of NiTi alloy [Paper]. International Symposium on Shape Memory Alloys, Québec City, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Trépanier, C., Leung, T. K., Tabrizian, M., Yahia, L., Bienvenu, J. G., Tanguay, J. F., Piron, D.-L., & Bilodeau, L. (1999). Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Surface Treatments on Biological Response to Shape Memory Niti Stents. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 48(2), 165-171. External link
Trépanier, C., Tabrizian, M., Yahia, L., Bilodeau, L., & Piron, D.-L. (1996, December). Improvement of the corrosion resistance of NiTi stents by surface treatments [Paper]. 1996 MRS Fall Symposium, Boston, MA, USA. External link
Tabrizian, M., Yahia, L., & Leroy, A. (1996, May). Mechanical and physico-chemical properties of synthetic LARS ligaments [Paper]. 1996 5th World Biomaterials Congress, Toronto, Can. Unavailable
Villermaux, F., Nakatsugawa, I., Tabrizian, M., Piron, D.-L., Meunier, M., & Yahia, L. (1996, December). Corrosion kinetics of laser treated NiTi shape memory alloy biomaterials [Paper]. MRS Fall Symposium, Boston, MA, USA. External link
Villermaux, F., Tabrizian, M., Yahia, L., Meunier, M., & Piron, D.-L. (1997). Excimer laser treatment of NiTi shape memory alloy biomaterials. Applied Surface Science, 109-110, 62-66. External link
Villermaux, F., Tabrizian, M., Meunier, M., Piron, D.-L., & Yahia, L. (1996, May). Laser treatment on NiTi shape memory alloy [Paper]. 5th World Biomaterials Congress, Toronto, Can. Unavailable