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Brochu, S., Hawari, J., Monteil-Rivera, F., Sunahara, G., Williams, L. R., Johnson, M. S., Simini, M., Kuperman, R. G., Eck, W. S., Checkai, R. T., Cumming, A. S., & Doust & Provatas, A. (2014). Assessing the Potential Environmental and Human Health Consequences of Energetic Materials: A Phased Approach. (Technical Report). Unavailable
Rocheleau, S., Sunahara, G., & Hawari, J. (2011). Advanced fuels and technologies for emissions reduction Program C24.001: health and environmental effects of advanced biofuels. (Technical Report n° NRC #53367). Unavailable
Rocheleau, S., Martel, M., Bardai, G., Sarrazin, M., Dodard, S., Paquet, L., Corriveau, A., Hawari, J., Gong, P., Sunahara, G., Kuperman, R. G., Checkai, R. T., & Simini, M. (2005). Toxicity Of Nitro-Heterocyclic and Nitroaromatic Energetic Materials to Terrestrial Plants in a Natural Sandy Loam Soil. (Technical Report n° ECBC-TR-351). Unavailable
Hawari, J., Sunahara, G., Greer, C., Rho, D., Beaudet, S., Renoux, A., Lachance, B., Gong, P., Robidoux, P.-Y., & Sheremata, T. (2001). Characterization and remediation of Soil Contaminated with Explosives: Development of Practical Technologies. (Technical Report n° Final Report NRCC #44597). External link
Sunahara, G., & Hawari, J. (2000). Ecotoxicological risk assessment of a antitank firing range contaminated with explosives. (Technical Report n° NRC #43317). Unavailable
Sunahara, G., & Hawari, J. (1996). Ecotoxicological studies on soil samples contaminated with transformer oil and treated with SOLTEC at laboratory scale. (Technical Report n° NRC #34543). Unavailable
Monteil-Rivera, F., Halasz, A., Dodard, S., Manno, D., Paquet, L., Sarrazin, M., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., Hawari, J., Sunahara, G., & Perreault, N. (2021, April). Environmental fate and impact of insensitive energetic materials [Paper]. AVT-335 Research Specialists' Meeting on Range Design and Management for Sustainable live-fire training ranges. Unavailable
Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., Brochu, S., Diaz, E., Martel, R., Hawari, J., Sunahara, G., Walsh, M. R., & Walsh, M. E. (2013, May). Canadian Program on the Environmental Impacts of Munition [Paper]. European Conference of Defence and the Environment (ECDE 2013). Unavailable
Hawari, J., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S. R., Greer, C. W., Rho, D., Sunahara, G., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1999, November). Bioremediation of highly energetic compounds: a search for remediation technologies [Paper]. International Conference on Waste Minimisation and End of Pipe Treatment in Chemical and Petrochemical Industries, Merida, Mexico. Published in Water Science and Technology, 42(5-6). External link
Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., Dubé, P., Dubois, C., Martel, R., Lefebvre, R., Mailloux, M., Sunahara, G., Robidoux, P. Y., & Hawari, J. (2000, September). Characterization of DND training ranges including anti-tank firing ranges and ecotoxicological assessment [Paper]. 5th International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, Prague, Czech Republic. Unavailable
Sunahara, G., Hawari, J., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., & Renoux, A. Y. (2000, September). Ecotoxicological methods to assess the hazardous effects of energetic substances at contaminated sites [Paper]. 7th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil (ConSoil 2000), Leipzig, Germany. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Sunahara, G., Rho, D., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1999, March). Bioremediation of Highly Energetic Compounds: a search for remediation technologies [Paper]. 1st Arab International Conference and Exhibition on Environmental Biotechnology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Rho, D., Sunahara, G., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1999, November). Bioremediation of highly energetic compounds: a search for remediation technologies [Paper]. International Conference on Waste Minimisation and End of Pipe Treatment in Chemical and Petrochemical Industries, Merida, Mexico. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Halasz, A., Spencer, B., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Sunahara, G., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1998, May). Bioremediation of TNT under anaerobic conditions [Paper]. 23rd Annual TTCP Meeting on Environmental Aspects of Energetic Materials, Québec, Québec (10 pages). Unavailable
Greer, C. W., Godbout, J., Zilber, B., Labelle, S., Sunahara, G., Hawari, J., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1997, April). Bioremediation of RDX-contaminated soil: from flask to field [Paper]. 4th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana. Unavailable
Cattaneo, M. V., Masson, C., Hawari, J., Sunahara, G., Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., & Greer, C. W. (1997, April). Natural attenuation of TNT in soil columns [Paper]. 4th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana. Unavailable
Ampleman, G., Thiboutot, S., Lie, J., Marion, C., Greer, C. W., Beaumier, D., Rho, D., Hawari, J., & Sunahara, G. (1996, June). Biological Remediation Using White Rot Fungi for Soil Contaminated with explosives [Paper]. 7th International Annual Conference of ICT, Karlsruhe, Germany (11 pages). Unavailable
Thiboutot, S., Ampleman, G., Greer, C. W., Jones, A. M., Guiot, S., Shen, C. F., Sunahara, G., & Hawari, J. (1996, June). Biotreatability Assessment of Soils Contaminated with RDX and TNT [Paper]. 7th International Annual Conference of ICT, Karlsruhe, Germany (14 pages). Unavailable
Sunahara, G., Hawari, J., Renoux, A., Dodard, S., Paquet, L., Lavigne, J., & Thiboutot, S. (1995, October). Optimization of Extraction Procedures for Ecotoxicological Analysis of TNT Contaminated Soils [Paper]. 5th Annual Symposium on Groundwater and Soil Remediation, Toronto, Canada. Unavailable
Hawari, J., Shen, C. F., Guiot, S., Greer, C. W., Sunahara, G., Rho, D., Ampleman, G., & Thiboutot, S. (1999, March). Bioremediation of Highly Energetic Compounds: a search for remediation technologies [Presentation]. In 1st Arab International Conference and Exhibition on Environmental Biotechnology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Unavailable