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Aller à : 2009 | 2006 | 2003 | 1998 | 1995
Nombre de documents: 7


Stokes, I. A. F., Sangole, A. P., & Aubin, C.-É. (2009). Classification of Scoliosis Deformity Three-Dimensional Spinal Shape by Cluster Analysis. Spine, 34(6), 584-590. Lien externe

Villemure, I., & Stokes, I. A. F. (2009). Growth plate mechanics and mechanobiology. A survey of present understanding. Journal of Biomechanics, 42(12), 1793-1803. Lien externe


Stokes, I. A. F., & Aubin, C.-É. (2006). Biomechanics of scoliosis. Dans Encyclopedia of Medial Devices and Instrumentation (p. 122-137). Lien externe


Aubin, C.-É., Petit, Y., Stokes, I. A. F., Poulin, F., Gardner-Morse, M., & Labelle, H. (2003). Biomechanical modeling of posterior instrumentation of the scoliotic spine. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 6(1), 27-32. Lien externe


Stokes, I. A. F., Gardner-Morse, M., Aubin, C.-É., Poulin, F., & Labelle, H. (juin 1998). Biomechanical simulations for planning of scoliosis surgery [Communication écrite]. 2nd Biannual meeting of the International Research Society of Spinal Deformities (IRSSD 1998), Burlington, VT.. Lien externe

Poulin, F., Aubin, C.-É., Stokes, I. A. F., Gardner-Morse, M., & Labelle, H. (1998). Modélisation biomécanique de l'instrumentation du rachis scoliotique à l'aide de mécanismes flexibles : étude de faisabilité. Annales de chirurgie, 52(8), 761-767. Non disponible


Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., Bellefleur, C., Poitras, B., Revard, C. H., Stokes, I. A. F., & De Guise, J. (1995). Comparison between preoperative and postoperative 3-dimensional reconstructions of idiopathic scoliosis with the cotrel-dubousset procedure. Spine, 20(23), 2487-2492. Lien externe

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