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Smith, A. L., Verleg, M. N., Vlieland, J., de Haas, D., Ocadiz-Flores, J. A., Martin, P., Rothe, J., Dardenne, K., Salanne, M., Gheribi, A. E., Capelli, E., van Eijck, L., & Konings, R. J. M. (2019). In situ high-temperature EXAFS measurements on radioactive and air-sensitive molten salt materials. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 26(Pt .1), 124-136. Available
Ruszczynski, L., Gheribi, A. E., & Smith, A. L. Coupled modelling of structural, thermodynamic and physicochemical properties of NaF-KF-UF4 fuel salt [Presentation]. In NuFuel 2023, Marseille, France. Unavailable
ter Veer, N., Gheribi, A. E., Ocadiz-Flores, J. A., Abbink, M., de Vries, K., Vlieland, J., Couvweleers, S., Konings, R. J. M., & Smith, A. L. (2023, November). Experimental insight and modelling of the NaCl-ThCl4-PuCl3 fuel salt properties [Presentation]. In NuFuel 2023, Marseille, France. Unavailable
Smith, A. L., Ocadiz-Flores, J. A., Capelli, E., Alders, D., van Oudenaren, G., Gheribi, A. E., Martin, P., Rothe, J., Dardenne, K., & Konings, R. J. M. (2019, May). Coupled structural and thermodynamic modelling of molten salt fuel properties [Presentation]. In 11th International Symposium on Molten Salts (MS11 2019), Orléans, France. Unavailable
Smith, A. L., Gheribi, A. E., Ocadiz-Flores, J. A., Capelli, E., Alders, D., van Oudenaren, G., Martin, P., & Rothe, J. (2018, October). A new approach for comprehensive modelling of molten salt properties [Presentation]. In Thorium Energy Conference 2018, Brussels, Belgium. Unavailable