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Ciureanu, M., Béron, F., Ciureanu, P., Cochrane, R. W., Ménard, D., Sklyuyev, A., & Yelon, A. (2008). First Order Reversal Curves (FORC) Diagrams of Co Nanowire Arrays. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8(11), 5725-5732. External link
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowska, G., Clime, L., Sklyuyev, A., & Yelon, A. (2004). Anisotropy Optimization of Giant Magnetoimpedance Sensors. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 6(3), 905-910. External link
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowska, G., Clime, L., Sklyuyev, A., Melo, L. G. C., Yelon, A., Akyel, C., & Cochrane, R. W. (2003, January). Exchange coupling in amorphous wires [Paper]. International conference on magnetism, Rome. Unavailable
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowska, G., Sklyuyev, A., Melo, L. G. C., Akyel, C., Cochrane, R. W., & Yelon, A. (2002, November). Magnetoimpedance investigation of the core-shell interaction in amorphous wires [Paper]. IEEE magnetism and magnetic materials conference, Tampa, FL, USA. Unavailable
Sklyuyev, A., Ciureanu, M., Akyel, C., Ciureanu, P., & Yelon, A. (2009). Microwave studies of magnetic anisotropy of Co nanowire arrays. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(2), 023914-023914. External link
Sklyuyev, A., Ciureanu, M., Akyel, C., Ciureanu, P., Ménard, D., & Yelon, A. (2006, July). Ferromagnetic resonance properties of arrays of magnetic nanowires [Paper]. 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and Canadian Radio Sciences Conference (ANTEM 2006), Montréal, Québec. External link
Sklyuyev, A., Ciureanu, M., Akyel, C., Ciureanu, P., Ménard, D., & Yelon, A. (2006, May). Measurement of complex permeability of ferromagnetic nanowires using cavity perturbation techniques [Paper]. Canadian Conference on Electrical Computer Engineering, Ottawa, ON, Canada. External link