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Quesada, N., Helt, L. G., Menotti, M., Liscidini, M., & Sipe, J. E. (2022). Beyond photon pairs: Nonlinear quantum photonics in the high-gain regime: a tutorial. Advances in Optics and Photonics, 14(3), 291-403. External link
Banic, M., Liscidini, M., Quesada, N., & Sipe, J. E. (2021, May). Spontaneous and Stimulated Three Photon Generation [Paper]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO_QELS 2021), San Jose, California. External link
Vidrighin, M. D., Triginer, G., Quesada, N., Eckstein, A., Moore, M., Kolthammer, W. S., Sipe, J. E., & Walmsley, I. A. (2020, May). High-Gain Twin-Beam Generation in Waveguides: Experimental Characterization Using Cascaded Stimulated Emission [Paper]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Washington, D.C.. External link
Quesada, N., Triginer, G., Vidrighin, M. D., & Sipe, J. E. (2020). Theory of high-gain twin-beam generation in waveguides: From Maxwell's equations to efficient simulation. Physical Review A, 102(3), 033519. External link
Vernon, Z., Quesada, N., Liscidini, M., Morrison, B., Menotti, M., Tan, K., & Sipe, J. E. (2019). Scalable Squeezed-Light Source for Continuous-Variable Quantum Sampling. Physical Review Applied, 12(6), 064024. External link
Quesada, N., & Sipe, J. E. (2017). Why you should not use the electric field to quantize in nonlinear optics. Optics Letters, 42(17), 3443-3446. External link
Quesada, N., & Sipe, J. E. (2016, March). High efficiency in Mode Selective Frequency Conversion for Optical Quantum Information Processing [Paper]. APS March Meeting 2016, Baltimore, Maryland. External link
Quesada, N., & Sipe, J. E. (2016). High efficiency in mode-selective frequency conversion. Optics Letters, 41(2), 364-367. External link
Quesada, N., & Sipe, J. E. (2014). Effects of time ordering in quantum nonlinear optics. Physical Review A, 90(6), 063840. External link