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Faucher, S. P., Matthews, S., Nickzad, A., Vounba, P., Shetty, D., Bédard, É., Prévost, M., Deziel, E., & Paranjape, K. (2022). Toxoflavin secreted by Pseudomonas alcaliphila inhibits the growth of Legionella pneumophila and Vermamoeba vermiformis. Water Research, 216, 118328 (11 pages). External link
Paranjape, K., Bédard, É., Shetty, D., Hu, M.Q., Choon, F. C. P., Prévost, M., & Faucher, S. P. (2021). Complex microbial interactions affect colonization of cooling towers by Legionella. Research Square. External link
Paranjape, K., Bédard, É., Shetty, D., Hu, M., Choon, F. C. P., Prévost, M., & Faucher, S. P. (2020). Unravelling the importance of the eukaryotic and bacterial communities and their relationship with Legionella spp. ecology in cooling towers: a complex network. Microbiome, 8(1), 19 pages. Available