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Denner, F., & Schenke, S. (2023). APECSS: A software library for cavitation bubble dynamics and acoustic emissions. The Journal of Open Source Software, 8(86), 5435-5435. External link
Schenke, S., Sewerin, F., van Wachem, B., & Denner, F. (2023). Amplitude modulation of acoustic waves in accelerating flows quantified using acoustic black and white hole analogues. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(2), 781-791. External link
Denner, F., & Schenke, S. (2023). Modeling acoustic emissions and shock formation of cavitation bubbles. Physics of Fluids, 35(1), 012114 (18 pages). External link
Schenke, S., Sewerin, F., van Wachem, B., & Denner, F. (2022). Explicit predictor–corrector method for nonlinear acoustic waves excited by a moving wave emitting boundary. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 527, 116814 (22 pages). External link
Gümmer, J., Schenke, S., & Denner, F. (2021). Modelling Lipid-Coated Microbubbles in Focused Ultrasound Applications at Subresonance Frequencies. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 47(10), 2958-2979. External link
Denner, F., Gangani, S., Gümmer, J., & Schenke, S. (2021, November). Reduced-order modelling of acoustic emissions from cavitation bubbles [Paper]. Workshop Complex Aspects of Cavitation, Kloster Drübeck, Germany. Unavailable
Schenke, S., Saha, R., & Denner, F. (2022, May). Predicting acoustic emissions of ultrasound-driven lipid-coated microbubbles [Abstract]. 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, CO, USA (1 page). Published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4_Suppleme). External link
Schenke, S., Sewerin, F., van Wachem, B., & Denner, F. (2022, May). Simulating acoustic waves in acoustic black hole analogues [Abstract]. 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, CO, USA (1 page). Published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(4_Suppleme). External link
Gümmer, J., Schenke, S., & Denner, F. (2021, November). Modelling lipid-coated microbubbles at subresonance frequencies [Abstract]. 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD 2021), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Published in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 66(17). External link
Schenke, S., Sewerin, F., van Wachem, B., & Denner, F. (2021, November). Propagation and modulation of nonlinear spherical waves emitted by oscillating bubbles [Abstract]. 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD 2021), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Published in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 66(17). External link
Schenke, S., Sewerin, F., van Wachem, B., & Denner, F. (2021, November). Nonlinear dynamics of ultrasound waves radiated from cavitation bubbles [Presentation]. In Workshop Complex Aspects of Cavitation, Kloster Drübeck, Germany. Unavailable