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Documents dont l'auteur est "Santos, Brenda R."

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Nombre de documents: 4

Santos, B. R., Larivière, C., Delisle, A., McFadden, D., Plamondon, A., & Imbeau, D. (2011). Sudden loading perturbation to determine the reflex response of different back muscles: a reliability study. Muscle & Nerve, 43(3), 348-359. Lien externe

Loisel, P., Hong, Q. N., Imbeau, D., Lippel, K., Guzman, J., Maceachen, E., Corbiere, M., Santos, B. R., & Anema, J. R. (2009). The work disability prevention CIHR strategic training program: Program performance after 5 years of implementation. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 19(1), 1-7. Disponible

Santos, B. R., Larivière, C., Delisle, A., Plamondon, A., Boileau, P.-É., & Imbeau, D. (2008). A Laboratory Study to Quantify the Biomechanical Responses to Whole-Body Vibration: the Influence on Balance, Reflex Response, Muscular Activity and Fatigue. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 38(7-8), 626-639. Lien externe

Santos, B. R., Delisle, A., Larivière, C., Plamondon, A., & Imbeau, D. (2008). Reliability of Centre of Pressure Summary Measures of Postural Steadiness in Healthy Young Adults. Gait & Posture, 27(3), 408-415. Lien externe

Liste produite: Mon Jan 13 05:05:13 2025 EST.