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Pierre, S., & Safa, H. (1996). Models for storing and presenting multimedia documents. Telematics and Informatics, 13(4), 233-250. External link
Safa, H., & Pierre, S. (2004, December). On the location management in PCS networks [Paper]. 1st International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO 2004), Cairo, Egypt. Unavailable
Safa, H., Pierre, S., & Conan, J. (2001). An Efficient Location Management Scheme for Pcs Networks. Computer Communications, 24(14), 1355-1369. External link
Safa, H., Six, P., Pierre, S., & Conan, J. (2000, January). Evaluating location management schemes for third generation mobile networks [Paper]. 12th Annual International Conference on Wireless Communications, Calgary, Canada. Unavailable
Safa, H., & Pierre, S. (2000, May). Vers une stratégie de gestion optimale de localisation pour les systèmes de communication personnels [Abstract]. Journées de l'optimisation 2000, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Safa, H., Pierre, S., & Conan, J. (1999, January). New model for reducing location update costs in personal communication systems [Paper]. 11th Annual International Conference on Wireless Communications, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Unavailable
Safa, H., & Pierre, S. (1998). MILAMU: A micro-language for manipulating multimedia documents. Telematics and Informatics, 15(1-2), 35-52. External link