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Abusalah, A., Saad, O., Mahseredjian, J., Karaagac, U., & Kocar, I. (août 2020). Accelerated Sparse Matrix Based Computation of Electromagnetic Transients [Communication écrite]. IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society General Meeting (PESGM 2020). Lien externe
Abusalah, A., Saad, O., Mahseredjian, J., Karaagac, U., & Kocar, I. (2020). Accelerated Sparse Matrix-Based Computation of Electromagnetic Transients. IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, 7, 13-21. Lien externe
Abusalah, A., Saad, O., Mahseredjian, J., Karaagac, U., Gerin-Lajoie, L., & Kocar, I. (2018). CPU based parallel computation of electromagnetic transients for large power grids. Electric Power Systems Research, 162, 57-63. Lien externe
Abusalah, A., Saad, O., Mahseredjian, J., Karaagac, U., Gerin-Lajoie, L., & Kocar, I. (juin 2017). CPU based parallel computation of electromagnetic transients for large scale power systems [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2017), Seol, Republic of Korea (6 pages). Lien externe
Bruned, B., Mahseredjian, J., Dennetiere, S., Abusalah, A., & Saad, O. (2023). Sparse solver application for parallel real-time electromagnetic transient simulations. Electric Power Systems Research, 223, 109585 (7 pages). Lien externe
Dennetiere, S., Saad, O., El-Akoum, A., Legrand, X., Xemard, A., Mahseredjian, J., & Motoyama, H. (août 2014). Involvement of electric utilities in the development of EMT simulation tools [Communication écrite]. 45th International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems (CIGRE 2014), Paris, France. Lien externe
Gerin-Lajoie, L., Mahseredjian, J., Guillon, S., & Saad, O. (août 2014). Simulation of voltage collapse caused by GMDs - Problems and solutions [Communication écrite]. 45th International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems (CIGRE 2014), Paris, France. Lien externe
Gérin-Lajoie, L., Guillon, S., Mahseredjian, J., & Saad, O. (juillet 2013). Impact of transformer saturation from GIC on power system voltage regulation [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2013), Vancouver, BC, Canada (7 pages). Lien externe
Kocar, I., Mahseredjian, J., Karaagac, U., Soykan, G., & Saad, O. (juillet 2014). Multiphase load-flow solution for large-scale distribution systems using MANA [Résumé]. IEEE PES General Meeting: Conference & Exposition, National Harbor, MD (1 page). Lien externe
Karaagac, U., Mahseredjian, J., Kocar, I., & Saad, O. (2013). An efficient voltage-behind-reactance formulation-based synchronous machine model for electromagnetic transients. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 28(3), 1788-1795. Lien externe
Karaagac, U., Mahseredjian, J., Saad, O., & Dennetiere, S. (2011). Synchronous Machine Modeling Precision and Efficiency in Electromagnetic Transients. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 26(2), 1072-82. Lien externe
Montplaisir-Gonçalves, S., Mahseredjian, J., Saad, O., Legrand, X., & El-Akoum, A. (juin 2015). A semaphore-based parallelization of networks for electromagnetic transients [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2015), Cavtat, Croatia (6 pages). Lien externe
Mugombozi, C. F., Mahseredjian, J., & Saad, O. (juillet 2013). On fixed-point iterations for the solution of control equations in power systems transients [Communication écrite]. 10th International Conference on Power System Transients (IPST 2013), Vancouver, B.-C.. Publié dans Electric Power Systems Research, 115. Lien externe
Mugombozi, C. F., Mahseredjian, J., & Saad, O. (juillet 2013). On fixed-point iterations for the solution of control equations in power systems transients [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2013), Vancouver, BC, Canada (6 pages). Lien externe
Mahseredjian, J., Saad, O., & Dennetiere, S. (juillet 2009). Computation of power system transients: modeling portability [Communication écrite]. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM 2009), Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Lien externe
Peqqueña-Suni, J. C., Martinez-Velasco, J. A., Mahseredjian, J., Saad, O., & Ruppert, E. (juillet 2013). Real-time implementation of a fault location algorithm for homogeneous systems [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2013), Vancouver, BC, Canada (6 pages). Lien externe
Rashidirad, N., Mahseredjian, J., Kocar, I., Karaagac, U., & Saad, O. (2023). Mana-based load-flow solution for islanded AC microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 14(2), 889-898. Lien externe
Saad, O., Gaba, G., & Giroux, M. (1996). A closed-form approximation for ground return impedance of underground cables. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 11(3), 1536-1545. Lien externe