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Ciureanu, P., Khalil, I., Melo, L. G. C., Rudkowski, P., & Yelon, A. (2002). Stress-Induced Asymmetric Magneto-Impedance in Melt-Extracted Co-Rich Amorphous Wires. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 249(1-2), 305-309. External link
Ciureanu, P., Akyel, C., Britel, M. R., Ménard, D., Melo, L. G. C., Yelon, A., Valenzuela, R., & Rudkowski, P. Study of the complex permeability of amorphous wires using microwave impedance spectroscopy [Paper]. Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC, Singapore. External link
Ciureanu, P., Britel, M. R., Ménard, D., Yelon, A., Akyel, C., Rouabhi, M., Cochrane, R. W., Rudkowski, P., & Ström-Olsen, J. O. (1998). High frequency behavior of soft magnetic wires using the giant magnetoimpedance effect. Journal of Applied Physics, 83(11), 6563-6565. External link
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowski, P., Rudkowska, G., Ménard, D., Britel, M., Currie, J. F., Strom-Olsen, J. O., & Yelon, A. (1995, November). Giant magnetoimpedance effect in soft and ultrasoft magnetic fibers [Paper]. 40th annual conference on magnetism and magnetic materials, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Published in Journal of Applied Physics, 79(8). External link
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowski, P., Britel, M. R., Ménard, D., Ström-Olsen, J. O., & Yelon, A. (1997, May). Giant Magnetoimpedance in Rapidly Solidified Nanocrystalline NiFe Fibers . In International Symposium on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials (ISMANAM 1996), Rome, Italy. External link
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowski, P., Rudkowska, G., Ménard, D., Currie, J. F., Strom-Olsen, J. O., & Yelon, A. (1996). Magnetoimpedance effect in rapidly solidified soft magnetic fibers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 157-158, 432-433. External link
Ciureanu, P., Akyel, C., Britel, M., Gauthier, J., Yelon, A., Rudkowski, P., Rudkowska, G., & Strom-Olsen, J. O. (1996). Rf and uhf giant magnetoimpedance effects in soft magnetic fibers and wires. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 32(5, pt. 2), 4678-4680. External link
Ciureanu, P., Rudkowski, P., Strom-Olsen, J. O., & Yelon, A. (1994). Thin-film and micro-fiber permalloy magnetoresistors. A comparison. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 30(6, pt. 1), 4620-4622. External link
Ménard, D., Britel, M. R., Ciureanu, P., Yelon, A., Paramonov, V. P., Antonov, A. S., Rudkowski, P., & Ström-Olsen, J. O. (1997). High frequency Impedance spectra of soft amorphous fibers. Journal of Applied Physics, 81(8), 4032-4034. External link
Rudkowski, P., Ciureanu, P., Rudkowska, G., Britel, M. R., Ménard, D., Strom-Olsen, J. O., & Yelon, A. (1996). Anisotropic magnetoresistance and giant magnetoimpedance effects in soft-magnetic fibers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 160, 313-314. External link
Rudkowski, P., Strom-Olsen, J. O., Rudkowska, G., Zaluska, A., & Ciureanu, P. (1994, June). Ultra fine, ultra soft metallic fibers [Paper]. Workshop on rapidly quenched magnetic wire and applications. Published in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 31(2). External link