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Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Serna Ros, P. (2022). Fundamentals. Bulletin - FIB, 22-37. External link
Balazs, G., Boshoff, J., di Prisco, M., Kanstad, T., Kusterle, W., Massicotte, B., Plizzari, G., Rossi, P., Serna Ros, P., Soetens, T., Tvede-Jensen, B., & Van den Bos, A. (2022). SLS and ULS. Bulletin - FIB, 109-161. External link
Daviau-Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Tailhan, J.-L. (2016). Characterization of macrocrack propagation under sustained loading in steel fibre reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures, 49(3), 969-982. External link
Daviau-Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Tailhan, J.-L. (2016). Influence of Reinforcement Type on Macrocrack Propagation under Sustained Loading in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete. Structural Concrete, 17(5), 736-746. External link
Rastiello, G., Desmettre, C., Tailhan, J.-L., Rossi, P., Charron, J.-P., & Dal Pont, S. (2016). Modeling of fluid leakage through multi-cracked RC structural elements using a numerical probabilistic cracking approach. Materials and Structures, 49(8), 3095-3108. External link
Tailhan, J.-L., Rossi, P., & Daviau-Desnoyers, D. (2015). Probabilistic numerical modelling of cracking in steel fibre reinforced concretes (SFRC) structures. Cement and Concrete Composites, 55, 315-321. External link
Rossi, P., Charron, J.-P., Bastien-Masse, M., Tailhan, J.-L., Le Maou, F., & Ramanish, S. (2014). Tensile basic creep versus compressive basic creep at early ages: comparison between normal strength concrete and a very high strength fibre reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures, 47(10), 1773-1785. External link
Massicotte, B., Lagier, F., Zahedi, M., & Bastide, R. (2022, July). Contribution of Rib-scale Modelling to Study the Bond Mechanisms of Reinforcement in UHPFRC [Paper]. RILEM International Conference on Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures (SSCS), 2022, Marseille, France. External link
Ben Ftima, M., Chéruel, A., & Argouges, M. (2022, July). Multi-physical Simulation of Concrete Hydraulic Facilities Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: From Material to Structure [Paper]. RILEM International Conference on Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures (SSCS), 2022, Marseille, France. External link