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Ross, N., Novakowski, K. S., Lesage, S., Deschênes, L., & Samson, R. (2007). Development and Resistance of a Biofilm in a Planar Fracture During Biostimulation, Starvation, and Varying Flow Conditions. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 6(4), 377-388. External link
Castegnier, F., Ross, N., Chapuis, R. P., Deschênes, L., & Samson, R. (2004, January). Stability of a nutrient-starved biofilm in a limestone fracture [Paper]. 39th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research (CAWQ 2004), Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Ross, N., Bickerton, G., Voralek, J., Novakowski, K., Yazicioglu, B. M., Kennedy, C., Smegal, J., Deschênes, L., Samson, R., & Lesage, S. (2002, January). Biobarriers in fracturated bedrocks: bioclogging of a lab-scale planar fracture [Paper]. 37th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Pollution Research. Unavailable
Ross, N., Villemur, R., Marcandella, E., & Deschênes, L. (2001). Assessment of Changes in Biodiversity When a Community of Ultramicrobacteria Isolated From Groundwater Is Stimulated to Form a Biofilm. Microbial Ecology, 42(1), 56-68. External link
Ross, N., Villemur, R., Deschênes, L., & Samson, R. (2001). Clogging of a Limestone Fracture by Stimulating Groundwater Microbes. Water Research, 35(8), 2029-2037. External link
Ross, N., Filion, D., Brown, S., Millar, K., Deschênes, L., & Lesage, S. (2001, January). Stimulation of groundwater bacteria to develop a biobarrier: ecotoxicological responses [Paper]. SETAC 22nd annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA. External link
Ross, N., Deschênes, L., Clément, B., & Samson, R. (1997, January). Optimisation des conditions physico-chimiques pour le développement d'une bio-barrière dans une nappe aquifère en milieu fracturé [Paper]. 19e Symposium international sur le traitement des eaux usées, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable