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Ballaz, L., Robert, M., Parent, A., Prince, F., & Lemay, M. (2014). Impaired visually guided weight-shifting ability in children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(9), 1970-1977. External link
Hart, R., Ballaz, L., Robert, M., Pouliot, A., D'Arcy, S., Raison, M., & Lemay, M. (2014). Impact of Exercise-Induced Fatigue on the Strength, Postural Control, and Gait of Children with a Neuromuscular Disease. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 93(8), 649-655. External link
Veilleux, L.-N., Raison, M., Rauch, F., Robert, M., & Ballaz, L. (2016). Agreement of spatio-temporal gait parameters between a vertical ground reaction force decomposition algorithm and a motion capture system. Gait & Posture, 43, 257-264. External link