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Rivest, D. (2023). Techno-Economic Analysis of a Decentralized Polygeneration System [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Rivest, D., Antar, E., & Robert, É. (2023). Techno-economic assessment of a biomass gasification-based polygeneration system for greenhouses. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 60, 103535 (10 pages). External link
Tabone, L., Rivest, D., Levy, A., Buyck, M., Jouvet, P., Aubin, C.-É., François, T., Robert, É., & Baudin, F. (2022). Prevention of submicron aerosolized particle dispersion: evaluation of an aerosol box using a pediatric simulation model. Experimental Lung Research, 48(9-10), 266-274. External link
Cardin, G. B., Rivest, D., Ayad, T., Robert, É., Rahal, A., & Christopoulos, A. (2022). Quantification and visualization of aerosols in ear, nose, and throat exam and flexible laryngoscopy. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 7(4), 963-969. External link
Tabone, L., Rivest, D., Lévy, A., Aubin, C.-É., François, T., Jouvet, P., Baudin, F., & Robert, É. (2021). P0736 / #1895: evaluation of splashguardcg prevention of aerosolised particle dispersion in a paediatric model of spontaneous and non-invasive ventilation. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 22(Supplement), 355-355. External link