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Chaput, C., Yahia, L., Selmani, A., & Rivard, C.-H. (1995, April). Natural poly(hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalerate) polymers as degradable biomaterials [Paper]. 1995 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA. External link
DesRosiers, É. A., Yahia, L., & Rivard, C.-H. (1996). Proliferative and matrix synthesis response of canine anterior cruciate ligament fibroblasts submitted to combined growth factors. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 14(2), 200-208. External link
Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., Bellefleur, C., De Guise, J., Rivard, C.-H., & Poitras, B. (1995). Peroperative 3-dimensional correction of idiopathic scoliosis with the cotrel-dubousset procedure. Spine, 20(12), 1406-1409. External link
Labelle, H., Dansereau, J., Bellefleur, C., De Guise, J., Rivard, C.-H., & Poitras, B. (1995). Peroperative Three-Dimensional Correction of Idiopathic Scoliosis With the Cotrel-Dubousset Procedure. Spine, 20(12), 1406-1409. External link