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Salomé, S., Ferraria, A. M., Botelho do Rego, A. M., Alcaide, F., Savadogo, O., & Rego, R. (2016). Enhanced activity and durability of novel activated carbon-supported PdSn heat-treated cathode catalyst for polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 192, 268-282. External link
Salom, S., Oliveira, C., Savadogo, O., & Rego, R. (2014, October). Improving the activity and stability of PdSn catalyst for oxygen reduction by heat treatment [Paper]. 14th Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Symposium (PEFC 2014)/2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting, Cancun, Mexico. Published in ECS Transactions, 64(3). External link