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Ravati, S., & Favis, B. D. (2013). Interfacial Coarsening of Ternary Polymer Blends With Partial and Complete Wetting Structures. Polymer, 54(25), 6739-6751. Lien externe

Ravati, S., & Favis, B. D. (2011). 3D porous polymeric conductive material prepared using LbL deposition. Polymer, 52(3), 718-731. Lien externe

Ravati, S., Virgilio, N., Jianhing, Z., & Favis, B. D. (août 2007). Structured multiple percolated polymer blends [Communication écrite]. ACS Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering. Fall Meeting 2007., Boston, Mass., USA. Non disponible

Liste produite: Thu Jan 2 05:24:52 2025 EST.