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Rautureau, Y., Deschambault, V., Higgins, M.-È., Rivas, D., Mecteau, M., Geoffroy, P., Miquel, G., Uy, K., Sanchez, R., Lavoie, V., Brand, G., Nault, A., Williams, P.-M., Suarez, M. L., Merlet, N., Lapointe, L., Duquette, N., Gillis, M.-A., Samami, S., ... Tardif, J.-C. (2018). Adenylate cyclase type 9 (ADCY9) inactivation protects from atherosclerosis only in the absence of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). Circulation, 138(16), 1677-1692. External link
Raignault, A., Bolduc, V., Lesage, F., & Thorin, E. (2017). Pulse pressure-dependent cerebrovascular eNOS regulation in mice. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 37(2), 413-424. External link
Raignault, A., Bolduc, V., Lesage, F., & Thorin, E. (2015). Pulse Pressure Reveals Shear Stress-Dependent eNOS Activity in Mice Cerebral Arteries. Faseb Journal, 29(1S), 2 pages. External link
Thorin, E., Bolduc, V., Cole, W., Lesage, F., & Raignault, A. (2014, September). Pulse pressure increases shear stress sensitivity of isolated mouse cerebral arteries [Abstract]. 11th International Symposium on Resistance Arteries: From Molecular Machinery to Clinical Challenges, Banff, Alberta. Published in Journal of Vascular Research, 51(S2). External link