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Paoli, R., Poubeau, A., & Cariolle, D. (2020). Large-eddy simulations of a reactive solid rocket motor plume. AIAA Journal, 58(4), 1639-1656. External link
Poubeau, A., Paoli, R., & Cariolle, D. (2016). Evaluation of afterburning chemistry in solid-rocket motor jets using an off-line model. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 53(2), 380-388. External link
Poubeau, A., Paoli, R., Dauptain, A., Duchaine, F., & Wang, G. (2015). Large-eddy simulations of a single-species solid rocket booster jet. AIAA Journal, 53(6), 1477-1491. External link
Poubeau, A., Paoli, R., & Cariolle, D. (2014, August). Study of afterburning in solid rocket booster jet: Towards a model for afterburning in large-eddy simulations [Paper]. 4th ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Diviison Summer Meeting, Chicago, IL. External link
Rondeaux, E., Poubeau, A., Angelberger, C., Zuniga, M. M., Aubagnac-Karkar, D., & Paoli, R. (2024). Exploring the Potential and the Practical Usability of a Machine Learning Approach for Improving Wall Friction Predictions of RANS Wall Functions in Non-equilibrium Turbulent Flows. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 26-26. External link