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Gao, Y., Guo, N., Gauvreau, B., Rajabian, M., Skorobogata, O., Pone, E., Zabeida, O., Martinu, L., Dubois, C., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (2006). Consecutive Solvent Evaporation and Co-Rolling Techniques for Polymer Multilayer Hollow Fiber Preform Fabrication. Journal of Materials Research, 21(9), 2246-2254. External link
Labonté, L., Pone, E., Skorobogatiy, M. A., Godbout, N., Lacroix, S., & Pagnoux, D. (2009, April). Analysis of the birefringence of solid-core air-silica microstructured fibers [Paper]. Photonic Crystal Fibers III, Prague, Czech republic. External link
Labonté, L., Pone, E., Skorobogatiy, M. A., Godbout, N., Lacroix, S., & Pagnoux, D. (2009, April). Understanding form Birefringence of microstructured fibres [Paper]. SPIE Europe : Optics+ Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic. Unavailable
Pone, E., Hassani, A., & Skorobogatiy, M. A. (2007, January). Loss birefringence of a microstructured optical fiber containing metal coated elliptical inclusions: Prospective in pressure sensing [Paper]. Workshop on Nanophotonics and Plasmonics, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Unavailable
Pone, E. (2005). Modélisation des coupleurs à fibres fusionnées [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Pone, E., Daxhelet, X., & Lacroix, S. (2002, May). Modeling of fused-fiber coupler cross-section as a function of fusion degree [Paper]. SPIE Regional Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Imaging (Opto-Canada 2002), Ottawa, ON. External link