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Documents dont l'auteur est "Pineda, Jubert"

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Nombre de documents: 4

Article de revue

Osses, R., Pineda, J., Ovalle, C., Linero, S., & Sáez, E. (2024). Scale and suction effects on compressibility and time-dependent deformation of mine waste rock material. Engineering Geology, 340, 107668 (15 pages). Disponible

Osses, R., Majdanishabestari, K., Ovalle, C., & Pineda, J. (2021). Testing and modelling total suction effects on compressibility and creep of crushable granular material. Soils and Foundations, 61(6), 1581-1596. Lien externe

Osses, R., Ovalle, C., Pineda, J., & Barrios, P. (2019). Efecto de la saturación parcial en la compresibilidad de arenas con rotura de partículas. [Effect of partial saturation on the compressibility of crushable sands]. Obras y proyectos (25), 15-21. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Osses, R., Ovalle, C., Pineda, J., Linero, S., & Fityus, S. (septembre 2019). Suction effects on the compressibility and creep of crushable sands [Communication écrite]. 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference (Geo St. John's 2019), St. John, Newfoundland and Labrador. Non disponible

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 05:14:39 2025 EST.