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Documents dont l'auteur est "Perrouin-Verbe, Brigitte"

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Nombre de documents: 6

Article de revue

Sarcher, A., Brochard, S., Perrouin-Verbe, B., Raison, M., Letellier, G., Leboeuf, F., & Gross, R. (2019). Detection of pronator muscle overactivity in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: development of a semi-automatic method using EMG data. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 62(6), 409-417. Lien externe

Sarcher, A., Brochard, S., Hug, F., Letellier, G., Raison, M., Perrouin-Verbe, B., Sangeux, M., & Gross, R. (2018). Patterns of upper limb muscle activation in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: Variability and detection of deviations. Clinical Biomechanics, 59, 85-93. Lien externe

Sarcher, A., Brochard, S., Raison, M., Leboeuf, F., Hug, F., Perrouin-Verbe, B., & Gross, R. (2017). Upper limb co-activation in typically developing children and in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: reliability and sensitivity to the EMG normalization technique. Gait & Posture, 57, 285-286. Lien externe

Sarcher, A., Brochard, S., Raison, M., Leboeuf, F., Perrouin-Verbe, B., Letellier, G., & Gross, R. (2016). Effet d'une thérapie motrice induite par la contrainte sur la cinématique et l'activation musculaire du membre supérieur atteint d'enfants hémiparétiques. Clinical Neurophysiology, 46(4-5), 279-279. Lien externe

Sarcher, A., Brochard, S., Raison, M., Leboeuf, F., Perrouin-Verbe, B., & Gross, R. (2016). Évaluation de la chirurgie de réanimation de l'extension du coude chez des patients tétraplégiques C5/C6 par l'analyse du mouvement. Clinical Neurophysiology, 46(4-5), 279-279. Lien externe

Communication écrite

Sarcher, A., Raison, M., Gross, R., Ballaz, L., Leboeuf, F., Brochard, S., & Perrouin-Verbe, B. (septembre 2015). Distinction between pathological and functional co-activation during active elbow extension in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy [Communication écrite]. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC 2015), Heidelberg, Germany. Non disponible

Liste produite: Wed Jan 1 04:50:03 2025 EST.