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Documents dont l'auteur est "Perea-Vega, Diego"

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Nombre de documents: 4

Article de revue

Perea-Vega, D., Girard, A., & Frigon, J.-F. (2013). Dual-based bounds for resource allocation in zero-forcing beamforming OFDMA-SDMA systems. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013(1), 51 (16 pages). Disponible

Communication écrite

Perea-Vega, D., Girard, A., & Frigon, J.-F. (mars 2017). Fast power allocation for OFDMA-SDMA with minimum rate constraints [Communication écrite]. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2017), San Francisco, CA, USA (6 pages). Lien externe

Perea-Vega, D., Frigon, J.-F., & Girard, A. (décembre 2015). Efficient Heuristic for Resource Allocation in Zero-Forcing OFDMA-SDMA Systems with Minimum Rate Constraints [Communication écrite]. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2015), San Diego, California (6 pages). Lien externe

Perea-Vega, D., Frigon, J.-F., & Girard, A. (mai 2010). Near-optimal and Efficient Heuristic Algorithms for Resource Allocation in MISO-OFDM Systems [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010), Cape Town, South Africa. Lien externe

Liste produite: Tue Jan 21 02:52:23 2025 EST.