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Hoarau, Y., Pena, D., Vos, J. B., Charbonier, D., Gehri, A., Braza, M., Deloze, T., & Laurendeau, É. (2016, January). Recent Developments of the Navier Stokes Multi Block (NSMB) CFD solver [Paper]. 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (AIAA SciTech 2016), San Diego, California. External link
Hasanzadeh, K., Pena, D., Hoarau, Y., & Laurendeau, É. (2015, June). Multi-time Step Icing Calculations Using a 3D Multi-block Structured Mesh Generation Procedure [Paper]. SAE International Conference on Icing of Aircraft, Engines, and Structures (ICE 2015), Prague, Czech republic. External link
Lavoie, P., Pena, D., Hoarau, Y., & Laurendeau, É. (2018). Comparison of thermodynamic models for ice accretion on airfoils. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 28(5), 1004-1030. External link
Pena, D. (2016). Développement d'un code de givrage tridimensionnel avec méthode Level-set [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Pena, D., Hoarau, Y., & Laurendeau, É. (2016). Development of a three-dimensional icing simulation code in the NSMB flow solver. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 8(2), 86-98. External link
Pena, D., Hoarau, Y., & Laurendeau, É. (2016). A single step ice accretion model using Level-Set method. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 65, 278-294. External link